Public Infrastructure Plan (PIP) Portal

Welcome to the PIP Portal! Per Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS 278.0274) TMRPA is required to summarize the capital improvement programs for five facility and service domains across the Region.  The dashboard statistics presented below represent the collaborative efforts of staff from TMRPA, the jurisdictions, and affected entities to provide a regional level synthesis of this information. 

Potable Water

The collection and treatment of raw water for storage, conveyance, and consumption as potable water.


The facilities and services required to ensure an educated populace. 

Stormwater and Flood Control

Stormwater drainage management is focused on controlling stormwater runoff associated with development and flood control facilities reduce the negative effects of flood waters.


The collection of transportation facilities necessary to allow for the movement of people and goods throughout the Region.


The collection and treatment of sewage for discharge as treated effluent.

How We Classify Investment

Reinvestment vs. growth

Through the process of reviewing CIPs and meeting with each jurisdiction and entity, it became clear that the representation of spending from a regional perspective needed to show expenditures based on their purpose: rehabbing and replacing existing public infrastructure, and capacity increases to accommodate growth. In the growth category, the expenditures include developer constructed infrastructure that is ultimately dedicated to a jurisdiction or entity.


A Project that addresses the repurpose, rehabilitation, or replacement of existing facilities. Such Project may also address sustainability and resiliency infrastructure needs to continue provision of service or capacity; examples may include retrofits to mitigate risks of hazards or unintended consequences of growth, backup systems in the event of natural or manmade system failures, and so forth.


A Project that addresses the expansion of an existing facility or construction of new infrastructure that increases the capacity of the providers’ system network to absorb projected TMSA growth in population and businesses.

Breaking It Down

By Service Domain