Public Infrastructure Plan

About the Initiative

The Public Infrastructure (PI) Plan was first created through the 2019 Truckee Meadows Regional Plan update (see Policy PF 3). Regional Planning staff, together with jurisdictional and affected entity staff, determined that there was a need to advance infrastructure planning beyond what existed at the time (e.g., concurrency), and what was being considered through the 2019 update (e.g., region-wide infrastructure standards). Furthering the Region’s understanding of existing public infrastructure and services, as well as future investments, will allow TMRPA to refine the Regional Land Designations, and better support the decision-making process at the local jurisdictions, affected entities, the Regional Planning Commission (RPC) and Regional Planning Governing Board (RPGB).

Currently, 2019 Regional Plan Policy PF 1 – List of Facilities and Service Standards provides region-wide infrastructure standards for water, wastewater, flood control and stormwater drainage management, transportation, and schools. These five topic areas are specifically listed in the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS 278.0274) as those to be addressed by the Regional Plan. The PI Plan will describe these topic areas in greater depth, together with the challenges the region faces for each.

We are currently in the process of building a PIP dashboard
Coming Summer of 2024!


  1. Create a Public Infrastructure Plan Document that address the public facilities and services listed in RP policy PF 1 and as described in NRS 278.0274 subsection 5 through narrative chapters and references to existing plan documents
  2. Coalesce and combine available data on existing and planned infrastructure and service provision, both spatial and non-spatial data, to create a one-stop-shop for this information
  3. Design and implement policy improvements to the 2019 RP, based on narrative description and data compilation, in advance of the 2024 5-year Regional Plan Update

Stay Tuned For More Updates on This Project!