Climate Pollution Reduction Grants

The Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (CPRG) program provides nearly $5 billion in grants to states, local governments, tribes, and territories to develop and implement ambitious plans for reducing greenhouse gas […]

Oxygenated Fuels Reports 2013-2014

The AQMD implements an oxygenated fuels program to reduce wintertime carbon monoxide emissions from motor vehicles. The following annual reports summarize the results of the program.

Exceptional Air Quality Events

Reports are prepared whenever the AQMD formally requests the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to exclude data from exceptional events like wildfires from data that is used to determine mitigation strategies […]

2015-2016 Residential Wood Use Survey

Fireplaces, woodstoves, and pellet stoves are significant sources of wintertime air pollution in Washoe County. Periodic surveys are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of AQMD strategies targeting these sources.